Transmission | Jan 2025 | The best way to predict the future is to create it

Whenever a new year is upon us, we see the rise of hopes and expectations for a better future. After all, it’s a great time to look back on the past, set some goals and resolutions, and work towards a fresh start.

While – contrary to popular belief – there’s no actual evidence of Abraham Lincoln ever saying the words in our headline, the sentiment certainly does match the beginning of this particular BIC year.

Yes, 2024 saw us bumping over a series of potholes – some deep, some not so much (we like our metaphors here at the BIC) – there were also periods of smooth road driving and much of all of that paved the way for big efforts of the past finally reaching fruition.

ADR 68/01 seatbelt signageFocussing on the seemingly whirlwind events of the past week or so (in case you missed it, we were in the news… once or twice), our advocacy work to secure government backing to help reduce safety risks to bus and coach passengers finally paid off.

Early morning on a warm and sunny Tuesday, 21st January, the BIC Council Chair, Tony Hopkins, flanked by National Technical Manager, Dean Moule, headed up to the Sunshine Coast for a very special moment.

Following consultation with the states, territories and industry, Australian Design Rule (ADR) 68/01 – Occupant Protection in Buses was officially launched with the aim of improving seatbelt wearing rates in buses and coaches and ultimately saving lives on our roads.

The new ADR has four main changes

  • Buses will have an audible announcement when the door closes, and the bus starts to move with the message “Please fasten seatbelts while seated”
  • A visible label will be on the back of every seat with “Fasten seatbelts while seated”
  • There will be a lit-up sign at the front of every section of a bus prompting seatbelt use
  • An exemption will be removed allowing some buses with seats under a metre high from not requiring seatbelts

Hoppy and Senator Chisholm at the launch of ADR 68/01The requirements will apply from 1 November 2026 for new models of buses and coaches, and from 1 November 2027 for new existing model buses and coaches.

Present at the long-anticipated event, held onsite at the Kangaroo Bus Lines depot, were Senator the Hon Anthony Chisholm (left and below with Tony) and a star-studded cast of bus and coach glitterati, including our good friends from Queensland Bus Industry Council (QBIC) and the National Heavy Vehicle Regulator (NHVR), plus a whole host of long-time members and supporters.

Our ever-popular, National Technical Manager seemed to be on the quick dials of media outlets across the country, with Secretariat phones ringing off the hook at times. Despite the it-guy that he was that day, Dean’s and others’ many months of contributions to this auspicious end would not have been possible without the much-appreciated involvement of our steadfast members and industry support.

Hoppy interviewed at launch of ADR 68/01We’re currently working on a dedicated FAQ to aid industry stakeholders navigate the new ADR 68/01 and its requirements, and will circulate details to members shortly. Also, don’t forget that our first Technical Meeting webinar for 2025 happens tomorrow from 11am to 12pm. If you’ve not received your registration invitation, please get in touch.

For now, we continue – with a little help from our friends – to make the New Year happen at every moment.

Should be a very interesting journey! 👍

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