Committees and Working Groups
Our committees and associated sub-committees are established to assist the BIC Secretariat manage the range of issues and initiatives we undertake. The role of any committee is to advise or make recommendations to the Council, or to make decisions only where expressly delegated to do so. The committees, subservient to the Council with no executive power, have a national focus (as opposed to issues that are the primary domain of the state and territory governments).
Each committee is chaired by a BIC Councillor or suitably qualified industry member, and plays a role in ensuring national policy development, programs and initiatives (or emerging national issues) are managed, coordinated, and communicated to BIC members. Each chairperson updates the BIC Council on key issues and seeks Council approval/endorsement of industry policy positions or the undertaking of a specific program or initiative.
The BIC Council determines the composition of each Committee. Membership is open to all BIC members and is reviewed annually. Committees meet approximately three times per year on agreeddates. The work of the committees is showcased at BIC national and other industry events.
- To ensure that the bus industry views on government reforms are understood.
- Implement advocacy programs to minimise added regulatory costs and burdens and reduce government red tape and prescriptive regulation.
- To ensure that regulation and reform issues that will impact on the bus industry are dealt with by national and state regulatory authorities by considering “bus specific” factors rather than generic “heavy vehicle” factors.
- To respond to tax, charges and infrastructure issues including road pricing matters as they emerge and to present industry views and agreed policy positions on these issues in submissions.
- To undertake industry research initiatives with the aim of providing the intellectual and factual support for Industry advocacy objectives.
- To ensure that the bus industry views on government reforms are understood.
- Implement advocacy programs to minimise added regulatory costs and burdens and reduce government red tape and prescriptive regulation.
- To ensure that regulation and reform issues that will impact on the bus industry are dealt with by national and state regulatory authorities by considering “bus specific” factors rather than generic “heavy vehicle” factors.
- To respond to tax, charges and infrastructure issues including road pricing matters as they emerge and to present industry views and agreed policy positions on these issues in submissions.
- To undertake industry research initiatives with the aim of providing the intellectual and factual support for Industry advocacy objectives.
- To minimise the impact and where possible maximise the outcomes for Industry viability in relation to environment, safety or technical issues that might arise.
- To generate an understanding of the environmental and safety record of the industry in order to minimise legislative and regulatory impacts on bus operations and bus manufacturing or associated businesses.
- To lead the debate in relation to the development of bus technology in Australia and influence decision makers about the future vehicles and passenger needs of bus passenger transport.
Provide input into government policies relating to zero-emission buses and provide recommendations on sensible transition policies.
- Ensure the adoption of good policy leading to appropriate regulation.
- Ensure technical issues relating to bus construction, operation and maintenance of hydrogen and battery electric buses and coaches are understood to maximise safety.
- Maximise the efficiency of the BIC as an organisation including effective governance systems.
- Ensure that the BIC Work Program is prioritised to meet changing circumstances and the needs of the industry
- Ensure financial and corporate due diligence are met in periods between Council Meetings.
- Ensure BIC staffing and resources are adequate to deliver Work Program outcomes.
- To raise the profile of the Long Distance, Tour and Charter a sector priority issues with Government, Tourism, and strategic audiences to improve the viability of the sector.
- To represent the sector and have it recognised as an important and professional component of Australian tourism, the economy and society to relevant Governments, tourism bodies and other organisations.
- To achieve uniformity in regulation and other factors that result in duplication and increased operational costs for interstate tour and charter operations.
Industrial Relations Committee
The APTIA Council facilitates with the support of the Industrial Working Group an industrial relations environment by reaching an agreed national approach to issues, in which the Industry operates.
The IWC under the guidance of the APTIA Council represents the industry at a National level to respond to Industrial relations changes such as the Fair Work Act and Work Health and Safety Act which may impact on the industry. The IWG under the guidance of the APTIA Council assists the BIC Executive Director to coordinate the work program of the National IR resources.
APTIA provides industrial relations services to State Associations and other APTIA members as part of membership or fee for service arrangements as agreed by the IWG and approved by the APTIA Council. The IWG assesses and reviews the impact of the FWA and other federal legislation affecting the industrial environment of employees of bus and coach transport services. The IWG and APTIA Council reports to the BIC Council for approval of all policy or program decisions.