Update from the Bus Industry Confederation ![]() We know you are busy and may not get around to touching base with our monthly e-bulletin. Why not engage with us by linking up with us and staying informed on what we are doing for industry on LinkedIn ![]() In this edition of the National Bus & Coach Bulletin we launch registrations for the upcoming Bus Industry Summit 1st and 2nd March 2022. We provide an update on our national agenda to ensure safety comes first as Industry transitions to ZERO and we invite you to ‘have your say’. APTIA provides an overview on recent cases in the vaccination space, updates on family and domestic violence leave and making orders to stop sexual harassment. The BIC has also locked and loaded an interactive key dates calendar for national and international conferences, expos, summits and seminars. ![]() ![]() Registrations are now open for the 2022 National Industry SummitIf you are an operator, supplier or bureaucrat servicing the Australian bus and coach industry, we urge you to participate in this national summit. The Summit aims to urgently inform Industry on mission critical issues – current and in the next couple of years. We would normally have covered much of the planned summit program in our usual Moving People National Conference in November (just gone), but we feel that all businesses and government services involved in Industry need to come together sooner rather than later in an open forum to learn, share information and engage on a number of high level reforms and new law. The 1-1/2 day Summit will commence with a half-day on Tuesday 1 March to address the areas of accessible transport, heavy vehicle law and zero emission technology and transition. Day 2 of the summit will see dedicated seminars and workshops in the areas of industrial relations, vehicle and operational technical issues and fleet replacement modelling. The BIC will also host an industry dinner on the night of Day 1. The Summit is being held at the Hotel Realm in Canberra. Full details on the movingpeople website.![]() ![]() BIC’s national plans to ensure industry’s safe transition to ZEROAs Industry knows all too well – a rapid transition to Zero Emissions Buses (ZEBs) is occurring across Australia. This transition is outpacing the governments’ ability to develop an appropriate policy and regulatory framework which will ensure the safe design, configuration, operation and maintenance of these heavy vehicles whose primary function is to move people. To fill this void in the short to medium term it is proposed that Industry develop codes of practice, advisories and guidelines. The BIC is calling on the Commonwealth to fund the development of these resources as a matter of urgency before there are any critical incidences related to new and largely untested technologies in Mass Transit. The BIC has established a committee of subject matter experts in their fields to help develop national industry standards and advisories to ensure that buses and coaches continue to be the safest way to travel on Australia’s roads. We invite industry to provide us with the issues and challenges your business is facing in the transition to ZERO. You can ‘have your say’ by going to the movingpeople website or click on the below link to find out more information. ![]() ![]() How much do you think you know about the Australian bus and coach industryIn the last edition of the National E-Bulletin, we announced the release of a comprehensive report on the contribution to the moving people task of manufacturers and suppliers, operators and their passengers. A report of this size has not been attempted since 2003. The report provides an important snapshot of the Australian bus and coach industry over the last decade, collating data from several sources including the Australian Bureau of Statistics, the Bureau of Infrastructure, Transport and Regional Economics and the ABC Magazine. Did you know that buses and coaches nationally represent around 57% of public transport pkm or that between 1974 and 2016, car passenger kilometres have risen nationally on average 3.0% per annum, compared with 4.7% for bus/coach and 1.5% per annum for rail. Did you know that amongst the five largest capitals, the average annual growth rate has been highest in Melbourne (4.6%) and Brisbane (4.6%), Sydney (1.6%), Adelaide (1.4%) and Perth (1.2%). Or that when considering a unit trip value of $18.50 (2016 prices) for regional route bus users and assuming a regional town route cost of $120 per hour, the break-even boarding rate (in terms of user social inclusion benefits) would be 6.5 passengers per service hour. ![]() Latest Views from BIC and APTIA![]() View from CanberraIn this edition of the View from Canberra, the secretariat takes a look at the year that was in 2021…and what a year! It is our lot in life at the BIC to instruct governments on what was, what is and what will be. The year that was in 2021 saw accelerated activity coming out of the Federal Department of Infrastructure & Transport, the Office of Road Safety, the National Transport Commission and the National Heavy Vehicle Regulator. The first half of 2021 saw several door-stopper regulatory impact statements on national law reform and legislative review of heavy vehicle law, heavy vehicle charging, disability access, Euro VI mandate, road safety, vehicle safety and driver safety. To this end, the BIC has submitted detailed reports on a Everybody OutIn this edition of Everybody Out:
![]() ![]() The 2022 National and International Key Dates Calendar is now available at movingpeople.com.au. The calendar is an interactive space allowing users to search and then save events directly into their calendars. A super cool interactive google map tool is also embedded to enable users to ‘get directions’ from one location to the event venue. ![]() ![]() The BIC will close our office on 23 December 2021 and reopen on 10 January 2022. It has been a big year for the BIC Secretariat. You can read up on ‘the year that was’ in our latest View from Canberra. The secretariat has already commenced our work programs for 2022 and we invite you to reach out to us at anytime by emailing communications@bic.asn.au or by calling us +61 2 6247 5990. We wish all a safe and joyous Christmas break! |