Proof that buses are safer and greener

Bus industry ticks all the boxes on safety with a low environmental footprint.

A major report from the Bus Industry Confederation provides a decade of evidence-based data on the industry’s safety and emissions record. The report is an important snapshot of the bus industry and its contribution to Australia’s economy, social well-being, city liveability and the governments ‘green’ agenda. Australian governments need to recognise that buses are still the number-one public transport provider for workers and students.

The industry report opens with a decade of data on the bus manufacturing and supply sector pointing to a strong sector that produces on average 1,500 new buses and coaches each year, contributing more than $6.5 billion to the economy in the building and maintenance of the bus.

The report serves as a timely reminder, to all governments, of the already low-emissions contribution and the environmentally high standard of new bus stock on our roads over the last decade. With governments around Australia making net zero promises to their voters (the people we carry), providing incentives to buy electric cars (unaffordable to most), lest we forget that the bus industry (early adopters of technology), will need sensible and affordable transition solutions so that buses can continue to transport Australian’s safely.

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