Long Distance, Tour and Charter – 2020 Fast Facts

Fast facts about the bus industry can be accessed by using the above quick-links. These statistics were last updated and verified in October 2020.

The coach sector services a wide range of passengers including international tourists and backpackers travelling for work and leisure, the emerging “baby boomer” market, school students on educational and sporting excursions and business groups attending conferences and events.

Amongst our domestic tourism sector, single people (either young, midlife or older) are far more likely to choose bus/coach and rail relative to other life stages (both 53%).

Amongst our international visitors using coaches, 41% were young single and 33% mid-life single. Older married couples are a major market for charter/tour buses as well as shuttle for courtesy buses.

The modes international travellers use whilst in Australia bears a strong relationship with the total number of nights stayed and the average length of each stay. Bus and coach modes in total account for 6.7% (or 16.7 million) of all nights stayed.

International bus and coach users are most likely to be travelling for holiday, followed by education. Around 10% of coach travellers would use it for employment purposes.

Amongst International coach users, 41% were young single and 33% mid-life single.