Bus Manufacturing - 2020 Fast Facts

Fast facts about the bus industry can be accessed by using the above quick-links. These statistics were last updated and verified in October 2020.

The manufacturing supplies and services sector of the bus and coach industry is an important contributor to the Australian economy. It is also an important contributor to a heavy vehicle automotive manufacturing labour skill set that goes beyond just building buses and coaches. It continues to meet the many challenges of a global vehicle market-place that remains competitive in the Australian market, including some small export opportunities.

Based on various industry surveys undertaken by the BIC in 2010, 2018 and 2020, the BIC estimates that:

  • $5 billion is contributed to the Australian economy each year in the manufacture of buses
  • there can be up to 40 manufacturing and parts supply companies (local and abroad) that contribute to the final assembly of a single bus
  • the sector employs more than 10,000 Australians
  • close to $1.5 billion is contributed to the Australian economy each year in supplies and services to keep the buses operational and in service.

Buses sold in Australia

In the period Jan 2017 to Feb 2020 36.3% of buses were fully imported and 63.7% were built locally on either imported chassis or as a monocoque.

In this 3-year period, the market can be further broken down.

City type public transport/route buses:

  • 11.1% – fully imported
  • 88.9 % – locally built (on either imported chassis or as a monocoque).

School Buses:

  • 40.4 % – fully imported
  • 59.6% – locally built (on either imported chassis or as a monocoque).

17,969 buses were delivered into the Australian marketplace between 2008 to 2019. In 2019 there was 1499 buses and coaches delivered, declining to 1,229 in 2020 (economic impacts related to Covid-19). Reported bus deliveries average around 1,500 per year but the annual total deliveries vary which can significantly impact on the capacity of some businesses to deal with the peaks and troughs.

38.9% of buses delivered between 2008 and 2019 were route buses, 27.5% school buses, 24.9% charter buses and 8.8% long distance and tour buses.

Between 2008-2019, 9.5% of route buses, 65.9% of school buses, 71.5% of charter buses and 63.9% of long distance and tour buses were delivered fitted with seat belts.59.6