BIC Submission to the Reform of the Disability Standards for Accessible Public Transport – Stage 1

BIC provided responses to 100-plus questions in the following reform areas of the Transport Standards:
  • Staff Training and Communication
  • Mobility Aid Safety
  • Priority Seating
  • Allocated Spaces in Transit
  • Digital Information Screens
  • Website Accessibility
  • Communication during Service Disruption
  • Assistance Animal Toileting Facilities
  • Emergency Egress
  • Fit for Purpose Accessways
  • Wayfinding
  • Tactile Ground Surface Indicators
  • Provision of information in multiple forms.
The BIC also provided an over-arching executive statement. The Australian bus and coach sectors are one of the most highly regulated in the heavy vehicle industry. Generally, this regulation occurs via state-based transport legislation and operational contracts. As all route, and the vast majority of school and replacement bus operations are in one form or another contracted by the respective state governments, there are specific contract requirements that operators must comply with and hence some of the responses provided in the following are limited due to these existing contractual arrangements. For example:
  • the majority of new buses are purchased under government procurement contracts or contracts developed by large corporations and DDA compliance is part of that procurement process. Therefore, individual bus operators have limited control over bus specifications
  • most state jurisdictions either operate or are creating, centralised passenger information systems therefore, individual bus operators are just users of such systems and hence have limited control over the specifications of any such systems.
As all route, and the vast majority of school and replacement bus operations are in one form or another contracted by the respective state governments, the BAN believes that any proposed changes or additions to the DDA need to first recognise exiting state-based operational contract requirements in order to avoid duplicating existing requirements or introducing new requirements for the same subject matter. As an example, the RIS chapter 4 sets out proposed DDA additions in relation to staff training and communication, and as detailed in our response to this chapter, there are existing and detailed staff training and communication requirements at a state operational level and the existence of these need to be both recognised and considered. The BIC is active on the NATT Working Groups, and the subject matter contained within a number of the chapters in the RIS have been reviewed by these Working Groups. In these instances, the BIC has offered detailed response to the RIS questions that align with what has already been agreed via the Working Group processes.

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Bus Safety Initiatives Paper

On 28 August 2023, the BIC presented a Bus Safety Initiatives Paper at a Bus Safety Ministerial Roundtable hosted by Senator Carol Brown – Federal Assistant Minister for Infrastructure and Transport. The Paper provides 8 key recommendations to further enhance bus safety – the vehicle, the passenger and other road users. Download the Paper. The Paper broadly captures 3 main outcomes: Uptake of new technologies Educate the community about bus safety through national campaigns Enhance the ability to background check drivers. Key …

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BIC Submission on the National Electric Vehicle Strategy Consultation Paper [November 2022]

The purpose of this document is to provide a response to the National Electric Vehicle Strategy Consultation paper released in September 2022.  The BIC supports the intent of the National Electric Vehicle Strategy Consultation paper which covers a range of goals and although the bus and coach industry are broadly supportive of these goals, highlighting two main concerns with the strategy.  The bus and coach industry in Australia is uniquely placed to be an exemplar of how to transition heavy vehicles to zero …

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BIC Submission to the Heavy Vehicle Charges Determination: Consultation Regulation Impact Statement [June 2021]

This submission responds to the NTC consultation paper, Heavy Vehicle Charges Determination: Consultation Regulation Impact Statement, June 2021 (NTC 2021).  The NTC paper develops three alternative heavy vehicle charging options, in addition to the status quo, and is seeking feedback on those alternatives and on their derivation. Taking feedback on the paper into account, the NTC intends to develop a heavy vehicle charges determination that will form the basis for setting heavy vehicle road use charges to apply for 2022-23. It …

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Submission | DSAPT Stage 2 Response

The purpose of this Submission is to provide responses to the Disability Standards for Accessible Public Transport: Consultation Regulation Impact Statement for Stage 2 Reforms. Queries or feedback relating to this submission can be emailed to Download the submission  >>

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BIC Submission for the Federal Budget March 2022

The Australian Government in its Budget report for 2022 will aim to create jobs, guarantee the essential services, and build a more secure and resilient Australia. The BIC has provided a submission to Treasury outlining key recommendations to assist covid-recovery and covid-resilience efforts of the bus and coach industry. Our report also seeks funding to support net zero heavy vehicle safety and the necessary skilled and resilient workforce we need. Summary of key recommendations Zero Emission Fund the development of …

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