BIC Submission to the NTC’s Assessing Fitness to Drive

The National Transport Commission conducted a review of their draft guideline on Assessing Fitness to Drive for Commercial and Private Vehicle Drivers (AFD). Primarily, the publication provides guidelines for medical and health professionals and licensing/transport authorities. The guidelines does not provide any standards for Employers who are predominantly reliant on the Employee to self-report. The Employer is also reliant on the health professional and the licensing authority to be accurate and timely in the provision of assessments or accreditation. The BIC submitted a response to the NTC on 11 June 2021 and provides:
  • responses to questions raised in the Interim Report (May 2021)
  • raises issues relating to chain of responsibility and flaws in the current system. An ongoing concern is for smaller to medium-sized operators, who are entirely reliant on a ‘functioning’ AFD system
  • raises state/territory specific operational issues currently being experienced by members of the Bus Australia Network.
In our submission, the BIC provided responses that may have particular relevance to the current work being undertaken by the NTC in its review of Heavy Vehicle National Law (HVNL). The mandate of the NTC in its review of HVNL is to “[develop] options to suitably address and manage heavy vehicle driver health and safety”. Of the 3,000-plus bus and coach operations around Australia, the BIC estimates more than 60,000 workers undertake the task of driving a bus or coach to transport Australians safely, travelling over 1 billion kilometres per year or 21 billion passenger kilometres. Bus and coach transit is delivered by drivers with an average age of 56 years4 with the majority over 60 years of age. The age groups are predominantly male and as anecdotal evidence suggests, have much greater susceptibility to medical issues which may affect their driving either from a personal safety aspect or from the safety of their passengers. The BIC is strongly supportive of ensuring a healthy fit-to-drive workforce that optimizes the safe operation of the vehicle and ensures the well-being of passengers. As part of this ‘quality assurance’ to the passenger, the BIC supports that the decision of a driver being fit-to-drive needs to be assessed, without bias, by well-informed medical practitioners. However, the ‘system’ (driver-medical practitioner-license authority) becomes somewhat fragmented and difficult to use for the Employer who has an ongoing concern and duty of care for their Employees. In a regional town setting, the ‘system’ is often not practical to apply – particularly when a driver, for example, may require specialised assessments which is typically not readily available in regional towns. The costs, productivity liabilities and time deficits are significant impacts for operators in regional and rural towns. Smaller sized operations (usually regional settings) often do not have the resources of a dedicated Human Resources department. In order for the standards in the guideline to effectively work through the whole chain of responsibility, the Employer must have access to information from drivers, the health professionals and the licensing authorities.

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Bus Safety Initiatives Paper

On 28 August 2023, the BIC presented a Bus Safety Initiatives Paper at a Bus Safety Ministerial Roundtable hosted by Senator Carol Brown – Federal Assistant Minister for Infrastructure and Transport. The Paper provides 8 key recommendations to further enhance bus safety – the vehicle, the passenger and other road users. Download the Paper. The Paper broadly captures 3 main outcomes: Uptake of new technologies Educate the community about bus safety through national campaigns Enhance the ability to background check drivers. Key …

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BIC Submission on the National Electric Vehicle Strategy Consultation Paper [November 2022]

The purpose of this document is to provide a response to the National Electric Vehicle Strategy Consultation paper released in September 2022.  The BIC supports the intent of the National Electric Vehicle Strategy Consultation paper which covers a range of goals and although the bus and coach industry are broadly supportive of these goals, highlighting two main concerns with the strategy.  The bus and coach industry in Australia is uniquely placed to be an exemplar of how to transition heavy vehicles to zero …

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BIC Submission to the Heavy Vehicle Charges Determination: Consultation Regulation Impact Statement [June 2021]

This submission responds to the NTC consultation paper, Heavy Vehicle Charges Determination: Consultation Regulation Impact Statement, June 2021 (NTC 2021).  The NTC paper develops three alternative heavy vehicle charging options, in addition to the status quo, and is seeking feedback on those alternatives and on their derivation. Taking feedback on the paper into account, the NTC intends to develop a heavy vehicle charges determination that will form the basis for setting heavy vehicle road use charges to apply for 2022-23. It …

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Submission | DSAPT Stage 2 Response

The purpose of this Submission is to provide responses to the Disability Standards for Accessible Public Transport: Consultation Regulation Impact Statement for Stage 2 Reforms. Queries or feedback relating to this submission can be emailed to Download the submission  >>

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BIC Submission for the Federal Budget March 2022

The Australian Government in its Budget report for 2022 will aim to create jobs, guarantee the essential services, and build a more secure and resilient Australia. The BIC has provided a submission to Treasury outlining key recommendations to assist covid-recovery and covid-resilience efforts of the bus and coach industry. Our report also seeks funding to support net zero heavy vehicle safety and the necessary skilled and resilient workforce we need. Summary of key recommendations Zero Emission Fund the development of …

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