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BIC National e-Bulletin – May 2022
In this bulletin, we reveal more detail about the upcoming National Bus Industry Summit, June 28 and 29 in Canberra (you need to be there if you want the ‘no frills’ analysis of the ‘race to zero’). There is also a few new laws that come into play for superannuation from July 1, along with the the JobPass scheme to come out of the Australian Government’s Automatic Mutual Recognition Act. The ATO have also produced a bus driver specific ‘cheat sheet’ for making tax claims for this financial year. The BIC also welcomes new members to our team of ‘national navigators’ including Hispacold, Nexport, The Bus Driver Academy and Via Transportation. A quick wrap on events from the Bus Australia Network and Association Partners
The National Bus Industry Summit on June 28 and 29 will see broad involvement from senior government policy makers, bus and parts suppliers, technology experts and bus operators. The summit program includes comprehensive discussions on zero emissions and will include subject matter experts on battery electric and hydrogen technology, and how to design an implementation and integration plan for either technologies. It would seem that there is some expectation from governments that the bus and coach industry should be a sector leader in successful zero technology adoption for transport. However, as we all know, the complexity of the technology is changing the way we need to produce and operate buses. We are doing this without recognised policies and regulatory frameworks in place. Delegates will hear from government and private operators on their experiences in implementing ZEBs. The zero emission session will finish with presentations from two academic bodies who will provide some ‘real world’ examples of the critical issues surrounding these technologies including:
Day 2 of the summit will see 2 seminars running concurrently – technical and industrial relations/human resources. Both programs on Day 2 will cover critical need-to-know issues that many businesses should be addressing right NOW in order to be ready for what’s coming down the pipeline in the next 12 months or so. Do not delay booking your accommodation. Parliament (both houses) are due to sit in the week of the Summit which means that whilst we will see politicians engaging with us at the industry dinner, we will also see accommodation rates at a premium. The sooner you book, the better your tariff will be. Full details of the program and to register are on the moving people website.
What is the Australian Government implementing from 1 July 2022 JobPass From 1 July 2022, JobPass, as part of the AMR scheme, comes into effect and aims to benefit more workers and businesses across industry sectors, including transport. The scheme is intended to make it easier for licenced and registered workers to work where the work is. It allows a person who is licenced or registered for an occupation in one jurisdiction to be considered registered to perform the same activities in another, without going through further application processes or AMR came into effect on 1 July 2021 and is now in place for various occupations in all states and territories except Western Australia and Queensland. Western Australia is on track to join AMR by 1 July 2022. It is important to note that AMR is set out in the Mutual Recognition Act 1992 of the Commonwealth but is implemented by state and territory governments. To be eligible, individuals must hold and maintain a licence or registration in their home state or territory that covers the activity they intend to carry out elsewhere in Australia. A worker’s home state is their primary place of residence or work. More information on the specific state/territory rules and application processes can be found online at the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet website. Superannuation From an employer perspective the main changes are:
The new superannuation rules also bring some changes to the work test for those aged 67 to 74 for voluntary (member) contributions and non-concessional contribution caps. For more information, go to the Australian Tax Office website. Bus driver tax returns Information on what bus drivers can claim are provided in detail on the ATO website.
BIC welcomes new members to our team of National Industry Navigators
The BIC warmly welcomes new members to our team! Full details of our new members can be viewed online here. We urge you to take a moment to visit – you might just find the right product or service that you have been searching for. Our full list of members is always in our care at movingpeople.com.au. If you need to find someone or something specifically, maybe we can help! – just reach out to us by using our online enquiry form or call us on +61 2 6247 5990.
Hispacold designs, manufactures and distributes HVAC systems and components for heating, ventilation and air conditioning, for all type of buses and coaches, electric and hybrid buses, covering all the HVAC needs of passenger transport: Electromobility, city, intercity and coaches, for all climatic and / or environmental zones. For more information, go to their website. Nexport is a wholly Australian owned and operated company and are the only manufacturer in Australia focusing solely on providing electric buses to the transport industry. We have the largest fleet of electric buses on Australian roads, providing clean and green passenger journeys every day. Nexport are committed to making the planet a better place by helping the transport sector accelerate the transition to zero emission transport. Go to their website for more information or send an email to: info@nexport.com.au
The Bus Driver Academy (TDBA) provides an on line bus driver course. This can be used as currency for persons entering the industry or as induction, retraining, professional development, refresher training for operators or as a companion to bus driver licence training for RTO’s. TDBA also provide training and assessment frameworks for operators which can be supported or as a 3rd party provider, in line with accreditation and legal requirements. For more information, go to their website or send an email to: info@thebusdriveracademy.com Via is reshaping public transport to meet the needs of modern communities with a flexible, technology-enabled transportation solution. From planning to operations, Via offers the first end-to-end TransitTech platform for cities, transport authorities, and operators. Discover how Via can help you build better transportation in your community. Learn more.
Latest View from Canberra – where are all the passengers? In last month’s column we looked at the bus-stats over a 2-year analysis of what is on our roads today. According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics, there has been a 5% drop in the number of registered buses and coaches on our roads from January 2019 to January 2021. This article examines the ‘satisfaction factors’ that bus operators and governments might need to meet in order to get the bums back on seats. Visit the movingpeople website for all of our news and to read the latest View. Latest news from APTIA In this month’s edition of Everybody Out, we visit the upcoming Federal Election and look at what each major party is proposing. We also examine the perplexing issue in our industry, which is the recruitment and retention of staff. BIC, through its industrial arm, APTIA, will undertake a comprehensive review of the issue and try to solve some of the reasons for the problem. One of the main reasons that some businesses are struggling with recruitment and retention is because of working conditions for bus drivers. We need a concerted effort to convince governments about this problem. But we also need to properly Download the full article.
Member Alert | Reducing red-tape on Component Type Approvals (CTAs)
For the last 2 months, we have been working with a small group of BIC members in challenging how the Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts (DITRDCA) has operationalised one part of the Road Vehicles Standards Act (RVSA) legislative framework as it has been negatively impacting chassis suppliers, bodybuilders and operators. Background | The issueThe current policy to support operationalisation requires chassis suppliers to create a brand-new Component Type Approval (CTA) every time new Australian Design …
Twelve months of safety reforms | ABC and 7News
Last year, the state government’s Bus Industry Taskforce expanded its scope to include safety management and regulation. Safety reforms regarding bus and coach seatbelts, vehicle safety and public education were made across NSW and greater Australia. The NSW Taskforce’s first report focussed on the implementation of various recommendations regarding seat belts, road and vehicle safety, plus the dangers of standing in buses. The second report moved to improve bus reliability and equity. The third report is now being prepared for release. …