Tuesday, 28 June, 2022
What industry can expect in the reforms of disability transport standards and heavy vehicle law

Reform of the Disability Standards for Accessible Public Transport Download
Covering the Disability Standards Reform for Accessible Public Transport, Madonna expands on industry challenges and impacts relating to transport reform and law, and the BIC’s advocating efforts on behalf of industry 
The “no-bullshit” reality for the bus industry race to zero Download
Stephen explores the ‘race to zero’ industry challenges, realistic Zero Emission Bus (ZEB) infrastructure requirements and how the industry can adapt to ensure a sustainable future for the industry. Zero Emission Buses (ZEBs)

The Hydrogen Challenge Download
Sandra discusses challenges relating to hydrogen vehicles, who Viva Energy is and their investments in Australia to support the industry moving forward. Alex Bowler, BD Sector Manager – JET Charge
The Electric Challenge Download
Highlighting the electric infrastructure challenges the industry is facing, Alex provides valuable insights into what considerations operators should plan for and the project stages of implementation.
How to make the transition and what does it look like when you get there

Designing ‘the plan’ to transition bus operations to zero emission Download
With a renewed focus on Australia’s greenhouse gas emissions, Adrian discusses the transition to zero emission initiatives, Electromotiv’s transition plan and industry engagement process. 
A Government’s perspective on transitioning to zero emissionDownload
Deputy Director-General of Transport Canberra Ben McHugh, delivers a well-rounded presentation providing global comparative data on the ACT’s bus fleet and the Government’s Zero-Emission Plan including strategic priorities, industry challenges and opportunities. Michael Baulch, Director – Emerald Coaches
E-Mission Zero – an operator’s roadmap to zero 1 of 2Download
Exploring the viability and benefits of hydrogen, Michael details the advantages, economic viability, and proposed pathways to transition. Key opportunities highlighted include fuel and price security, reduced TCO and training and upskilling to name a few.

E-Mission Zero – an operator’s roadmap to zero 2 of 2Download
Leanne provides valuable analysis and comparison between hydrogen and electric zero emission buses. Delivering into projected infrastructure upgrade costs, refuelling and charging times, and fuel efficiencies. 
An international and local perspective on the operation imperatives to successfully transition to zeroDownload
An international and local perspective on the operational imperatives to successfully transition to zero. Mark discusses the advantages and disadvantages of battery electric buses and hydrogen fuel cell batteries, and industry leading Transit Systems zero emission bus fleet. How do you know if it's going to work?

Route Zero for electic – BSGIP for dummiesDownload
Dr Bjorn Sturmber, provides valuable insights and guidance, in assessing the viability of electrification. This data led presentation looks into the challenges and industry acceptance of electrification trials nationally. Definitely worth a read! 
Hydrogen in the real worldDownload
Loren Tuck from Deakin University presents on the Hycel Technology Hub, including goals, key projects, and proposed industry training to be delivered through TAFEs. Wednesday 29 June, 2022

An overview of what has been achieved since the 2017 Summit and highlights of the current BIC Technical ProgramDownload
BIC Vice Chair Julian Gurney presents on the BIC technical work programs. Unpacking previous summit survey findings, progress on works completed and future work programs. Madonna Woodhead, National Policy Manager – Bus Industry Confederation
Industry and the Commonwealth – how does it workDownload
Madonna delivers an educational presentation on the industry’s relationship with the Commonwealth and how it all works.

NHVR Work Program, Heavy Vehicle National Law and PBS for BusesDownload
Sal provides an overview on the National Heavy Vehicle Regulator’s purpose, examples of the national data platform, defect and feedback mechanisms and the National Risk Based inspection Framework. Technical Realities of ZEBs - Panel

Technical insights into ADR compliance, significant changes to DSAPT and current BIC technical programDownload
Providing a detailed overview of the Bus Industry Confederation (BIC) Technical Work Program, Luke discusses vehicle regulations, zero emission bus advisory, RVSA Implementation Consultation Framrwork, Disability Standards for Accessible Public Transport (DSAPT) and BIC’s initiatives. 
Vehicle Standards and Safety, RVSA and Euro harmonisation – an update from Federal GovernmentDownload
Anita delivers a Government update on the Road Vehicle Standards implementation, including application processing times, suspension of approvals, common mistakes in applications and ROVER Release 7. In addition Anita provides information on the Australian Design Rules program and EURO 6 mandate. 
Australia’s bus fleet and fleet replacement modellingDownload
Luke delivers an insightful and data led presentation on Australia’s bus fleet replacement modelling. The presentation covers the current Australian bus and coach fleet, modelling, future predictions and recommendation forward actions. Wednesday 29 June, 2022 - National IR Seminar
Keynote Address

Industrial Relations post-Federal ElectionDownload
Covering Labor’s current IR policies and what’s relevant to the industry, Tim explores other possible Government initiatives and programs, the Greens and Unions stance, immediate industry challenges and the action we can take. Industry Panel Sessions

Recruitment and Retention of StaffDownload
Leading the panel, Nikki covers recruitment and retention in a wholistic way. Detailing the challenges and barriers, associated influential environmental impacts, our current approach and potential solutions covering industry, operators, and employees.

Insecure EmploymentDownload
Ian leads a panel discussion on insecure employment. Discussing the Government’s recently announced initiatives and policy, and the establishment of Government led enterprise bargaining forum.